Old Year Things, New Year Thoughts




Photography Kivvi Rachelle Roberts 

People have different reasons for hating the past year, ranging from socio-political to pop-cultural. As for me, well, it’s been a mix of high highs and one major low. I should start by recognizing that 2016 was great to me in the travel and work category, and for that I am forever thankful. I also got back into practicing Hot Yoga; made it to Cuba and Hawaii; was cast in a national campaign; went to Gov Ball Music Fest, Halloween Horror Nights and Islands of Adventure (SO MUCH YES); collaborated with people I admire; and fostered new meaningful friendships. On Thanksgiving Eve though, ironically enough, that all faded from view…My world fell apart upon receiving news that I had lost my 16-month-old French Bulldog, Rocky, in a tragic (and totally preventable) accident under a dog-sitter’s supervision. Although I’ve lost extended family members and also family pets (which Mom handled while I was away in college), nothing has hit this close to home. Nothing has ever felt like this. I’ve spent the past four weeks – a time usually marked by holiday joy and inner peace – feeling extreme stress, sadness, and anger. Trying to manage & understand my grief while juggling important birthdays (SO MANY DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS), family time, and work has not been easy. I’ve had to learn that grief comes in waves…The waves may be really tall, and while they won’t ever stop crashing, they will come further apart. 

All that being said, I’ve recently taken up meditation (thank you Headspace app) and am trying to savor every little moment with our other precious Frenchie, Romy, Rocky’s littermate. We got them together, and yes they were inseparable. She is suffering a bit from separation anxiety but at least her depression has somewhat subsided and she’s eating again. We’re thinking about getting her a buddy at some point soon. Also, I am committed to writing & reading more, and vow to leave no book I start unfinished (i’m looking at you, stack-of-books on my night stand). There are a few other things I’ve got engraved in my mind for 2017, but my friends over at Disfunkshion Magazine pretty much sum it all up in this powerful and inspiring piece you should def read. What did you love/hate about 2016? What are you hoping for in the year to come? The first day of the new year is also my first day as a 31-year-old, so I better start it off right, right? See you on the flip side, and don’t be shy, say Hi

Jana Rose Carrero. University of Miami graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Communication and Majors in Motion Pictures & Latin American Studies. Fashion Institute of Technology-certified fashion stylist.

FEATURED IN Fashionista.com, Style Du Monde, Glam Belleza Latina, Glamour Mag, The Miami Herald, Miami New Times - Miami’s Best Blogger 2016, Miami.com - Miami’s Top Fashion Instagram, National Verizon Campaign, Adidas News Stream & Look-book, TasteTheStyle.com, Racked, Reel Exposure - Film Screening, DISfunkshion Magazine, The Cut, Société Perrier, SWISS Magazine, Revista Ego (Puerto Rico), Distraction Magazine, Venue Magazine, VSCO, University of Miami’s SoFla Arts News & Review.